Photography Policy

We will not use children’s names or other personal details in photograph captions. These details include, first name, surname, email and postal address and phone number. We use a parental permission form to obtain consent for a child to be photographed/ videoed. Additionally we obtain child’s verbal permission to use their image. General permission is sought and recorded on the annual registration form in relation to :

a. Images taken for use within the church buildings (eg noticeboards, PowerPoint displays)

b. Posting images on the church Facebook page and website.

When using photographs of children and young people we prefer to use group pictures. We will only use images of children in suitable dress and pose to reduce the risk of inappropriate use. Young and adults alike are advised to respect other peoples privacy and not to take or distribute photographs or videos without consent.

Suggestions for parents taking photos of children at church and other events.

Photos of your children and their friends for your personal use (family album) do not breach the data protection act. We advise careful consideration before posting any photos of children to social media sites, particularly consider: Avoid providing identifying information (full name or address) along with the photo. Only use photos of children in suitable dress & position (some images may present a higher risk for potential misuse than others) (As per NSPCC- Even if the child’s personal identity is kept confidential any other details accompanying the photo may make them identifiable and therefore vulnerable to individuals looking to ‘groom’ children. There is also a risk that the photo itself is used inappropriately by others – photos can easily be copied and adapted and then find their way onto other websites.) Further information is available on data protection and child protection from : NSPCC.

A useful brochure on use of social media and cameras can be downloaded from